f it’s your first time to have and care for your own lawn, don’t commit the same mistake that most first-time owners are guilty of. Mowing isn't a simple act of cutting the grass short. Mowing is practically a science for gardeners, and if you don’t follow the established rules for mowing, you might end up with a lawn that seems more like a grass covered burial plot than anything else.
Mowing A Newly Established Lawn
Take the same care as you would if it’s your first time cutting your infant’s hair or nails. For its first cutting, don’t use a mower – that’s like using an electrical razor to cut your baby’s hair. Use an equally sharp instrument like a reaping knife or scythe instead. Cut it no lower than 80mm but no greater than 100mm or at least nothing more than one third of its total height.
Do the same for its second and third cutting. Only after its first three cuttings can you allow your grass to grow to its ideal height. Afterwards, you should also mow according to weather requirements and grass type.
Mowing According To The Zone
Think of this rule as the zone diet for lawn care. You can use the Internet to determine exactly which planting zone your location falls under.
Lawn Mowing Tips For Zones 1 To 3
– In early spring, you can mow your lawn no more than two and a half inches. Schedule the next mowing appointment for your lawn during the summer: you can mow up to three inches this time just to safeguard your lawn from drying or burning out. Mow it once more during the fall just to hinder growth then make one last appointment with your mower before snowfall.
Lawn Mowing Tips For Zones 4 And 6
– Start mowing late in spring. You should cut it no more than two inches. For the summer, cut it no more than three inches for the same reasons stated above. For fall, you should mow to stop until growth is prevented as well. You need not mow during the winter.
Lawn Mowing Tips For Zone 5
– Start mowing early in spring, but cut grass no more than two and a half inches. As for the summer, you can cut more – but still no greater than three inches of course – to prevent your lawn from the usual risks of drying and burning. Thanks to your weather, however, you need not mow from fall to winter but you do have to make sure you fertilize and care for your lawn properly during these seasons.
Lawn Mowing Tips For Zones 6 And 7
– An early start to mowing is required once more for lawn owners in these zones. Start moving at spring’s arrival, making sure not to cut more than the usual two and a half inch rule. Follow the same rules advocated for the summer. And luckily for home owners living in Zones 6 to 7, all of you need not mow your lawn from autumn to winter.
Mowing According To Lawn Purpose
Keep your lawn’s grass height between 25 to 35mm if you’re the area for a playfield – regardless of whether you’re playing American or English football or any other outdoor sport.
Mow your grass within the range of 40 to 60mm if you are willing to let people walk on your lawn. Allow greater height (50 to 70mm) for lawns with technical purposes.
Other Tips For Lawn Mowing
Always keep the blades of your lawnmower sharp and free from rust to attain neat cuts which consequently enhancing the health of your lawn.
It is also better if you take time out at night to mow your lawn rather than during the day because this reduces the stress impact on your lawn. Contrary to popular opinion, cutting and daylight isn't exactly a favorable combination for your lawn.
There is a proper way to mow your lawn and that’s by alternating the direction as you go from Point A to Point B. So if you mowed from your house to the end of your garden in the summer, make sure you do the opposite in spring to prevent your lawn from rutting.
And lastly, have a companion with you when mowing. Having someone with you will prevent you from getting bored too quickly. Mowing is a hard job, but a man’s – or a woman – gotta do what a man’s gotta do!